Well it's fathers day 2008 and guess what? Like with every major holiday I am at work.. The rest of the family is at a picnic that I wish I was at. See the thing is it's just not worth it for me to go. I can't leave till 6 because I have to send in the weeks traffic which is 2... (but I did have a sale) So Woot.....Any way, with me leaving at 6 I won't get there till 630ish... the party will pretty much be over. But I took my dad to an O's game last night which was our Fathers day. It was quite simply the most fun I have ever had at Camden yards. There were home runs 4 comebacks and a game winning 2 out hit in the bottom of the ninth. It was even better to just be there with my dad. I absolutely love going to games with him..It seems there I can talk to him one on one and just all the other crap that life involves is gone..You just get to hang with your dad and every time it's special still at 31 there is nothing like a cool summer night, baseball, beer in your hand and Dad beside you. I honestly believe that I get more out of going to games with him than he does.
Moving on .. The point is I think blogging is kinda silly... that being said I am doing it. But here's why.. This is for you.. the Child that your mother and I are hoping to have next year. See I was looking at my sister and your Aunts blog and saw how cool it was that one day Eathan and Jax can look back on this and see what was going on with mom and dad and with them. I think one day perhaps not until one of them goes to college will they really appreciate that it's there. My sister is doing one hell of a job with it so far. So I figured I would start one and you can look back at all the goofy things me and your mom and your favorite pet Ben were doing. Even if its just to laugh at the clothes. Today we think they are in but by the time you can actually read this they will no doubt be hysterical.
Now the ground rules kiddo.... ha ha .. I am not guaranteeing regular updates.. But the economy sucks right now and I am selling homes no one can get loans to buy. This means I do have a little free time. Next rule... Not really gonna sensor myself too much.... I think the whole thing is pointless if I don't tell you what I am thinking and feeling.. The point of this whole project is so you can maybe one day look back and see who your family was back in 2008 and beyond. Who knows it could go for a while and you will see us change and grow. The next rule is more for me... I am going to try and have this like grandpa and Aunt Nicole's.... What I mean is I am not just gonna blog and bitch... that is generally what people do in their blogs ... bitch about stuff... I am gonna complain and go on rants... but I am also gonna try to include the good stuff too.. I don't want to you think we were all depressed sicko's. Finally the most important rule..... Don't bitch about my run on sentences... I get it.. I do it.. Shit happens .. Deal with it.
Ok that is about it with the setup... this is my ambitious project to chronicle who your parents are and will become so you can look back on this someday and laugh. So here's the plan. Vegas in January knock up mommy so there is someone to read this someday and retire the party jersey. You should know when daddy retires the party jersey it's probably gonna end up hanging in a hall somewhere. I mean I am HOF performer in that arena and have been for quite some time. I personally think I am a first ballot party hall of famer. But I am also ready to move on with my life...Then I am gonna put on the Daddy hat. At least that is the plan...... Now if you can read this you will soon learn that nothing ever goes according to plan so your birthday probably wont be in October.
It's actually funny how done I am with partying.. I mean I am 31 years old and there has been this strange shift in my mindset the last 6 months or so. I play video games and hang out. It's pathetic..I so wish I had other stuff going on.. I know I may regret saying this one day but I wish I had yard work or kids to watch or family vacations to plan. It's just crazy how much I am ready to be done with this stage of my life. I see Edawg and he is a freaking riot. Do you know how lame it is that I have nothing going on at this point. Patrick is finishing college, your mom is doing grad school, Nikki and Mike have kids.. Yeah I walk Ben and then play games. YAY I have the highest lvl toon in a video game...whoop de shit. I feel Like I am totally wasting my life at this point. I really think you are gonna like me and your mom and it just feels different for me latley. Maybe it's 30 who knows. But all of a sudden I want you to come along and have a house in the worst way. I wanna teach you to ride a bike and coach your little league team. Or take you to dance class. I just feel like no one got more out of thier 20's than me mabye ever. But I am just done with it. I am so jealous of everyone who has a family and responsibilities. Even Patrick, right now I know he hates taking summer classes but he is accomplishing something. I am leveling a character in a game. Seeing it in print makes it ever lamer. Not that I play games, that is something we will do together you and I, but that that is all I have to do right now. Anyway we wanna wait for January to do the kid thing so that Nicole can finish grad school. Then one last hurah in Vegas with Stin and Chizzle and hopefully we will be blessed enough to move on and hopefully get you in the oven. I'd rather come home from that trip with you in the works than any amount of money I could win.
I guess I will also take this opportunity to introduce us.. we're your parents... Myself and the Wizzle.. You know we should probably cut the crap and just tell you how it is.. Your mom is awesome. She is a social worker in Baltimore which may or may not have blown itself up by the time you read this. She is in grad school, She has one more year, and basically she keeps me alive. She does everything and all of it well.. by the time you read this you will have that figured out she is simply the most amazing person ever. Also she is a knockout, I mean just crazy Hawt.
Me not too much to me. Your mom, Ben, Family, Steelers, Pens, O's. Yeah that's pretty much all you need to know. I have been lucky enough to share almost 11 years to this point with your mom and to this day I am head over heels for her. I cannot believe that everyday she is more beautiful and I am more in love with her. But I am. She literally means everything to me. I could not imagine nor would I want to imagine my life without her. In all seriousness I don't think I would make it 2 months if something were to happen to her. I really don't. It's so scary for me to be so dependent on her but really I am. My sun rises and sets around her. I truley can't wait for you to meet her I just ..WoW.. We are so blessed that she is in our lives. Everyday with her is a gift. Ok this is kinda boarding on creepy stalker stuff now so I am just gonna move on to .......
THIS....We live in a townhouse in Glen Burnie Md. We are hoping to buy a home for you next year.. and we have our dog Ben....who is much more than a dog.. he is pretty much the most pampered dog ever. But he's also a member of the family not just the dog... You will probably notice that we are crazy about him.
So to recap Jan bun in oven. Feb Celebrate Steelers superbowl win and move into new home. March narrowly escape losing a limb doing a project in said home. (see I am not handy at ALL) July Nicole's graduation. October hopefully you show up. December we will all have our first Christmas in what is hopefully the home you will grow up in. I am really looking forward to '09.
The rest of '08 is just cleaning up dog poop and trying to sell houses. Hmmm I know this is getting long but this really is the setup for the rest of this. Any way the foundation has been set up. I will keep you up dated on all the events I can. I can't wait to meet you.
Cold Saturday
13 hours ago
1 comment:
this is so cute. you totally made me cry with all that "my wife is so awesome" stuff... husbandface wouldn't put that down in words for me. or maybe he would, and he has a secret blog devoted to me. haha, yeah right, i know. anyway, just wanted to let you know i'll be reading!
<3 patty
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