So yesterday we went to Six Flags. WOW what an interesting day. First the positives, We picked and absolutely perfect day to go the weather was just right about 80 degrees and it was a Wed. afternoon so there were not alot of people in the park. So you would think Bam it's gonna be on. Well for the most part it was. The rides were fun and the lines were short. Especially if you get what they called "Flash Passes." These things were great you walked right up and got on the ride bypassing the line entirely. But we did not start using them until later in day. Also about a third of the park is a water park and we did not bring our swimsuits. This for me is not an issue as I could swim in my cargo shorts. But for mommy not good... They did sell swimsuits.. for $70. So needless to say no love on that, daddy likes water rides but 70 dollars was a bit much.
I should have noticed the day was gonna be a bit strange when on the second ride Which was a boat ride we got stuck at the top of the hill right before you go into the big plunge. This was not so bad in that we were not on an incline or anything the problem was the crazy trailer park lady in front of us acting like the world had just ended. "ohhh my Gawd!!! This is crazy we are gonna die" Or somesuch gibberish. See I have a finley tuned ignore filter and was doing my best to tune her out. Anyway eventually 7 dudes climbed up this ladder and pushed us to the bottem. It was a little weird to be pushed down a hill on a ride at Six Flags. It must be like what amusement parks were like in caveman times. "Me Ugg!! Me push you down hill" Enh whatever. So we get to the bottom Big splash and everything is fine.....or so I thnk. In fact something horrible had happened. Your mothers hair got wet... Which meant she was gonna talk about having flat hair or messed up hair or how she wishes she had brought a brush .. or my favorite the bathrooms don't have miriors... for hte next 3 hrs. Not in a bad way I love doing stuff with her but it was a bit funny how long this went on. I was kinda waiting for her to melt alla the wicked witch of the west.
It's really only funny because Nicole is so beautiful. She is going on and on about this wet hair. All I can think is Waa chunka waa waaa..... I like her hair wet or dry or died pink... I'm pretty much thinking she's hawt however it is.Anyway so on with the day. Now enter the Zombies. Ok so the entire park is staffed and visited by people who move just way to slow. Like WTF MOVE. It is unreal to me how people can go through life this way. I mean the Roller Coaster pulls in and we sit there for 4 minutes waiting for people to get off. Then there is another like 4 minute wait for people to get on. Then the idiots can't get the straps buckled right. Or tries to not buckle one of the straps. Like hey I'm not gonna be upside down going 60mph who needs straps. Or hold on someone lost their phone lets empty out the car and start looking for their phone.. Like hello did you not think you were at a theme park. Guess what your phone is gone. When you do loop de loops at 60mph stuff gets lost. Leave it in the car. Who the heck are you trying to call anyway. "Heyyy GRLLLL I be chillin out on the coaster wachuu be doin???" "Na we ain't be moving yet some girl up ahead lost her phone so we be waitn!!" Like really leave it in the car. Although on Batwing I did see a pink phone fly out from somewhere on the train and explode...... it was kinda cool... and now that is one girl who will not be holding up lines anymore.
Not that the staff helped move things along. I guess they must tranquilize all the employees to prevent gang fights or something. These people moved like the undead zombies in night of the living dead. Like "unhhhhhhhhhh" just slowly shuffling their feet. For instance when Nicole went to get a "bangin" burger for lunch there were 3 people in front of her. Not a monumental task to serve 3 people right. Well for them it is. It took so long she gave up. She had fries and my cheese sticks for lunch. If my Roller Coaster tycoon employees moved like that I would uninstall the game and set my hard drive on fire. No wonder this country is in a recession half the people that live here are walking around like they have been dead for 2 years. Unfortunately nothing in the world frustrates me like people who don't move. It's so annoying, move like you have something going on or get the hell out of the way.
Anyway it's about that time that I figured out how to use the Flash passes. This is when the day started going much smoother. Superman was Awesome as far as roller coasters go. There was even this little boy who Nicole made throw a temper tantrum by taking his seat. I think he may have tried to VooDoo curse us. He was not happy. But the Best was definitely Batwing. On this coaster you lay down. So you are on your back or your stomach the whole time. Nicole hated it but I really enjoyed it. The only thing was that once you were done you kinda felt like you had been in a fight. For some reason maybe that i was trying to become one with the seat while hanging upside down like wore me out. I was more than a little discombobulated after the ride. But overall it was fun. I mean it could have been worse my hair could have gotten wet :) We also had alot of fun on the Penguins blizzard River. You kinda sat in this big innertube and spun all over the place going down this chute. It was fun.
The worst of the day was ROAR. Some old wooden roller coaster built for hauling 4 foot tall bodies. I say this because in order to ride it you should have been 4 foot tall and dead. You could barely cram yourself into the seat then once the ride started it just threw you all around. It was an old wooden coaster that was so bumpy and unpleasant to ride I was literally in pain when I got off. Not a Batwing hey I am kinda "off" but like "What the hell are you people trying to do to me?" pain.
Then we kinda walked around water park having knocked out all the rides in like 4 hours. Again it would have been about 3 had I figured out the Flash passes sooner. The water park looks like a hell of a lot of fun. I am almost positive that we will be going back this summer even if just to try those rides. Nicole made the day alot of fun. I am really enjoying summer so far. I love her Wed. work from home days that her and I get to spend together. Then it was really time to go home. Guess what your mom did the second we got in the car.. thats right Brushed her hair. So finally she was happy.
So on the way home we stopped to pick up Ben at Grandma and Grandpas house. Well his babysitters were not there. So I decided it would be fun to open all the cupboards and steal the dog. So that is what we did. I think just for a second my mom panicked. It was kinda funny. Then we went home and Watched the O's come from behind and win again in 10 innings. Magic magic magic magic. That was pretty much the night. Now back to the drudgery of work.. I can't wait till we actually have you around to take to stuff. It was a little funny walking through kiddie land without kids. I felt like everyone was looking at us like we were baby snatchers. But at least you will have cool parents to do stuff with. We got the fun stuff all scoped out.
See you soon.
1 comment:
crack me up - i could totally see nicole and the hair thing, but i cant say i wouldnt be the same way =) so i made one of these things and i gotta say its kinda confusing haha. anyway hope all is well jer!
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