OK so in my continuing quest to help you get to know us in '08 I feel like I should let you in on our dirty smelly secret. Well little one the truth about me and your mother is.... We are obsessed with Ben's poop. Not in a normal way like "hey when you took the dog out did he poop?" Kinda way. In fact a conversation that gets had around our house AT LEAST three times a day goes as follows.
I come in the door and the dog runs up the stairs too try to eat Potter(the cat). The problem is he is still hooked up to the leash.. this means two things are gonna happen. A) my arm is about to be separated from my shoulder and B) Ben is going to reach the top of the stairs stretch out his leash and choke the hell out of himself. By the time I pull him back down the stairs to unhook him this starts.
Wife "Did he poop?"
Me "Yeah."
Wife "Was it soft or hard?"
Me "I dunno it was kinda soft I guess"
Wife "Oh god was it the sick poo?"
Me .. at this point I realize that I have to say no or I will be standing outside with the dog the rest of the night "No it was fine"
Wife "are you sure"
Me "yeah it's fine"
Your mother will then kinda give me this look ... it's more of a I know your not giving me the whole story look. Her one Eye gets a little squinty and for a second she kinda looks like a retarted pirate. If I have learned anything in 11years with her hell or high water stick to my story. So the key for me is to then change the subject to anything ... what is on TV .. why does the interweb not work on our desktop anymore (I am almost positve its a router setting but I have no clue.) or the best way to completely make her forget about poop.. What is going on at work?
See the thing is we will have this conversation anywhere..... Regardless of who is around... and it can just happen spontaneously... We could be with relatives... out for a drink .. at church.. We constantly think about and dissect Ben's poop. In all honesty this started because I was at work thinking about the poop he took this morning.. it was soft and a little discolored...I know that he got spoiled at grandmas yesterday and I don't wanna have accidents when I get home. I just thought you should know this. I can only imagine how crazy we will be about your poop. I mean if we put this much time into analyzing our our dogs health by looking at his poo I just can't imagine how crazy it will be with you. Let me just say in the first 6 months I expect at least once a week to have your mother walk all through the house with a dirty diaper to show me the poop and ask if I thought you were ok. For the record I am saying now Yes gawd Yes take the diaper away :P In all honesty the sad thing is not that I really would not be surprised but I actually am expecting it as part of the child having experience. Kinda makes me wonder how important Ben's poops will be then? I think Mommy's head will explode looking at different poops.
Anyway I just wanted to clear all of this up. Just so you know why we spend so much time staring at your poop when you get changed.. It's gonna happen.. again Deal with it.
Moving on it's my Friday.... Woot!! which is Monday for everyone else. I am pretty stoked about this week. I have O's tomorrow and Six Flags on Wed. This will be followed up with ... wait for it .... Pearl Jam this weekend. I am ready to go. Needless to say It should be a whole lot of fun.
I feel like I should give you more for today than just Poop but I am kinda struggling as to what to say next. I am just waiting for work to end so I can begin a very promising weekend. All right yeah I am gonna roll. See you tomorrow.
Remember the book we gave you: Everybody Poops! But you have taken poop to new heights. LOL
I never realized how obsessed you are with poop! I love the new blog and feel somehow that I am getting to know you even more. I love it and look forward to reading the updates.
Maybe I should join in and start a blog myself. What do you think?
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