Sorry Babaganush, I did not get a chance to update you on the life and times of of the 'Rents the last two days. So I shall do so now... first off on Tuesday night we went to the O's game with one of Nicoles work friends and her boyfriend. They are named Katie and Nick. Two very cool people. I really enjoyed thier company. Katie is an absolute riot.. It's like she is wired on Redbull all the time. She just has energy oozing off of her. I also Enjoyed Nick. He was very laid back and we had alot of fun. I got to go and see your grandpa and grandma who were at the the game as well. Right now Camden yards is just a special and fun place to be. The O's have some life and the city is starting to realize it. There were over 20k people there and almost all of them were in Orange and Black. Now I know you are gonna be very confused about how our house is all Pittsburgh... except for the O's. See the thing is I have never really connected with a baseball team before. The Pirates were so bad for so long I but Ifollowed them. Usually by the end of may the season was over and we started thinking about Football. So when we got here I started going to O's game with Grandpa and Uncle Mike. Then all of a sudden we got a couple young players and started just being a team that is fun to watch. I have never viewed watching baseball as fun. It wasen't not fun it just was not fun I just kinda watched as I like sports and thats really all that is going on from June till Football. Until now .. It's Orioles magic and the team is a blast to watch even on TV. They remind me sooooo much of the Penguins of 2 years ago it's spooky. Well except they don't play on ice have skates nor do they wear helmets. But you know what I mean.
I cannot wait to start taking you down Camden Yards. I gotta admit I am having an absolute blast with baseball right now. I walk around singing the Orioles magic song. I read the Baltimore Sun (which sucks by the way). I have never really had a baseball team to root for and this is one that even when they are down by 3 runs in the 8th still believe they can win. It' s just a whole lot of fun. It does kinda suck we cannot pick up any ground in the division because of the Sox and Rays just will not lose. But we still get to see both of those teams this season so we will see what happens. We also are probably going to end up having to get rid of Millar, Huff and most importantly Roberts. The team has to build for the future you do not go to the playoffs in the ALeast with Huff batting cleanup. Sad but true. The trading deadline it July 31st so I am just trying to enjoy it while I can. I am really feeiling next year this club is going to improve by leaps and bounds. So there are alot of good summers on the Horizon it would seem. I am looking forward to having you be a part of them. We can all go down to the Yard and watch the games You and Edawg and Jax I am sure it will be a blast sharing Baseball with you guys. I am so glad I finally have a team worth sharing. I think it would be much easier when you are young to take you on a cool summers night to an O's game rather than bundleing you up like Ralphie's brother in A Christmas Story to take you to a Winter Steelers game.

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