Wow.. I don't think I have ever seen a movie like the one that we saw last night. Batman was amazing. Simply jaw dropping. It was the best performance I have ever seen on film. I mean literally there were like 5 points in the movie where I was just like OMG. The best though was Heath Ledgers the Joker. He just redefined one of the oldest and most iconic characters in comic book and movie history. He took the character to a place that will never be reached again (as he is no longer with us). But it will also influence a character that has been a part of Batman lore in comics, movies, and television and completely taken it to a dark side that it can never be taken back from.. Again Wow. I have never been in a movie before and was so excited to just see a character on the screen again just to see what he would do next. He was so menacing and unpredictable. I can't imagine anyone doing a better job with a role ever. If you have seen the movie you know I am not exaggerating if you haven't you are missing out on a truly iconic movie. This is a movie that will be with us for a long long time. It's actually pretty weird I have to admit when I heard how the role completely messed up Ledger I didn't get it. I thought what the heck you go to work put on makeup have fun act crazy then at 5:00 or whatever wash off the makeup and go party with Hollywood chicks. Yeah...after seeing how dark (and awesome) the character is and how much he put into it I can totally see how it could mess you up being in whatever place he had to reach inside to get that performance out... Again if you have seen this movie you are nodding in agreement if you have not you are missing out on a film that will be looked back on as a classic forever. I know it's A) a batman film and B) pretty high praise for a movie... trust me if you see it you will know I am speaking Gospel. I am actually considering going again next Tuesday when I am off it was that good. Ok I am making myself stop here because I could literally babble on about how much I enjoyed this movie for like 10 pages. Since I don't want to actually give the plot away it will just sound like I have a man crush on an insane psychopath killer so I am gonna stop now after saying this. GO SEE THE MOVIE yes you .. slowly put down the screen on your laptop get up grab a buddy, or go alone,or take the dog but get your ass to theater and see it.
Now It's time for a new feature I am gonna try to introduce to give my self material so that my blog is not the housing market sucks, go see this movie, I went to game, and I suck at NCAA 09 (but my wife is very busy this week and gone all weekend so I expect to make some progress).
I call it. what else I totally am stealing it from Sportscenter ..the Sunday Six Pack. 6 Things I think I think. It could be stuff that annoys me(which will probably be most of it)or just thoughts I have for the week but any way it will come in groups of 6 so without further ado.....

1. People who go to sporting events with clothing for both teams. Like the retard that had on the Detroit hat and Baltimore shirt at the O's/Tigers game I went to this week. Ok so anyone who knows me knows that I have one and really only one Pet peeve. People who do this. I don't know where this comes from but it drives me nuts. Pick a damn team and go with it. I even get for fashion sake or gang colors or whatever you may be wearing a team that you don't root for. Hey what can I say Pirate hats are awesome. But please don't wear one with a Braves jersey. It is the most annoying thing on the planet. Could you not decide could you not commit... as a general public service I will tell you what anyone who actually follows and cares about sports is thinking as we walk past.. "what a tool" But if you are a scary gangsta looking dude we will probably not say anything as we are kinda partial to not having holes in our chests. It gets magnified when you do it at an actual game. You may think well I am gonna support both teams no... No no no.. You are not you can't if you are looking for universal love go to church. This is a game pick one team and root for it. At the stadium do you not notice the people recoiling in horror and babies crying as you walk past. God forbid my child's first word is "Douche" as someone dressed like this walks by us at Camden yards. Although I would totally buy my son ice cream if that happened.. and probably not tell the wife. The baby book would look kinda silly and that would give me more reason to be upset about this trend. I had this come up recently with the Bucs and O's. I went O's even though I do care about the Pirates in a totally Masochistic way. I cheered the O's went with the O's jersey and hat and for that series pushed my love of the Bucs away. You can do this too.... Although it is only acceptable to have 2 favorite teams in the sport of baseball... and one has to be AL and one has to be NL and NO you cannot pick the SOX and the CUBS.
2.) Pish... While we are on the subject of Games I will throw this in ( this is a twofer)... People with their names on jerseys and well that other girl who is at the Steelers/ Gayvens game in her Patriots Jersey. First what is the point of your name on the Jersey.. were you the starting catcher in years past... Because now you look like a backstop. You are not hitting a fastball and you are not running the 90 feet to first without having a heart attack... So please visit the team store and pick a player you like and get that one. The person on the other hand who wears something to a game that is totally out of place is even worse. If you are going to say a Twins/Red Sox game.. Why on earth would you wear say a Pittsburgh Penguins Jersey. IT MAKES NO SENSE STOP DOING IT.. If you don't have appropriate paraphernalia just wear street clothes. Everyone around you is thinking the same thing when you walk past. What the hell is he or she thinking... are they lost do they not realize that they are not in (whatever city you chose to wear that has nothing to do with the game you are at). You look like a moron. Stop it.
For the Record I love Jerseys I have like 5 and I want more.. but there are rules man, rules.. If you are still not clear on any Sports related clothing rules leave a comment and I will get back to you. I am here to help.
3).(Pish) How is it when ever I get in a food line either drive through lane or sit down line inside I am behind the person who has never been there before. This happens to me constantly I am pretty sure it is Gods way of telling me to slow down and enjoy life but it grates on my nerves like all get out. Like Last night at the Movie the guy in front of me actually asked the girl.. is the popcorn good? The look on her face said it all uhhh yes. What the hell did he think she was gonna say. "No it's horrible in fact we spit in it every time we walk by" Like really you have never had movie popcorn before. Or the lady at McDonald's. So we are standing in line for like 20 freaking minutes because there are 3 people in front of me. She gets to the girl looks at the menu like it is written in Russian and says Ummmmmmmmmmmm. Like Really? You have been standing here for 20 minutes you haven't' figured out what you wanted. Have you never been here before? Do you not have anywhere you need to be? Hey it's the same menu they have had for 20 years. Get your quarter pounder meal and move along. Or even better when they get there and ask the girl "Do I want nuggets or a Big mac?" The Girl doesn't know. She actually does not want to be here she has other stuff to do. She is just working to make some weekend spending cash she is not your health guru if she was you would not be here in McDonald's. She is just trying to save some cash to buy a pink Mariners jersey to wear to the O's/Tigers game when she gets off work tonight.
4.(Pish) People who are not shopping for homes yet come to my model to waste time. I know everyone has something they hate about their jobs. I also get that I am not a Zoo Vet catching elephant poop in a bag or something. But my favorite is when I say" Hey guys welcome to the model, Let me guess you are thinking of maybe buying a new home" and they are like "No" then stare at me. What I want to say is "Ok so what the hell did you spend your 4 dollar a gallon gas to come here for" What I have to say is ok so what can I do for you. Now I have actually had people tell me "Nothing" This is the part that I hate Like uhhh ok so what are you doing here again. I really still haven't found out what to say from here. I have no problem with people just checking out the finishes Models are pretty I get that. They are fun to walk through. People sometimes just want to see what they could have if they sold their house. These are all great things I have no problem with. But It really throws me when you say "Nope I am not hear for a new home or to look at finishes or anything else" If you are hear to kill time before a doctors appt. Sure come on in could you just not be rude to me about it. Let me know up front. Sometimes I never do get whey they come to see me.
Again I feel Like I should clarify.. I love my job. I love my company. I love the people I work for and with. I love 99% of the people who walk through my door. I love selling homes and working with people not to sell them houses but homes. It is a job that has some great rewards even in years when economically its not the best like this year. But every once in a while I just get some people and am like WoW what exactly is it that I can do for you. Not a big deal just funny and awkward for both parties.
5. (pish) hmm this is harder than I thought but lets go with the Biggest story out there... Brett Favre... Annoying... just plain annoying. He totally screwed up his retirement now that is all I am hearing about on Sportscenter. See Brett totally messed this up. What he should have done if he felt pressure was say Yeah I am coming back. He has a roster spot he is a Starter Blah Blah Blah. If it gets to July and you don't want to come back you can say "My body is just not up to it". They can't make him play but they can keep him from doing so as we have seen. So yes he messed up but come on how could Green Bay not let him back? I can sum this whole argument up in one question. If I told you if the Packers win the Superbowl this year all of your Kids college will be paid for. If they don't you have to pay double. Who do you want as your Starting QB Favre or Rodgers. The Debate is now over. Unless you are a complete idiot you are saying the living legend. This is a situation where pride from the Pack is keeping them from going to the Superbowl and in the end will cost them their jobs. Remember they were one overtime away from the Superbowl. They are close in wide open NFC. It's a crazy conference with no favorite you could probably take 10 teams from it put them in a hat pull one out and no one would be stunned if that team made it to the Superbowl.
6(pish..) hmmm my last thing I am thinking about today... A week from today the Pittsburgh Steelers Report to Training camp.. Really what in the world is more important than that...I am starting to smell fall in the air and although Baseball has been a blast the summer is about to be washed away like footprints in the sand... HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!!

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