Actually I really just think the last 4 weeks we have really reconnected. We have always felt we had something special going on as far as relationships go. But every couple thinks that. But deep down just in being around people day to day and seeing our Friends and families relationships we knew that there was something really special about what was going on. I do however think that the last year with your mother working and going to school and me struggling with the housing market in the toilet we might have slipped into a more run of the mill situation. When Nicole asked me in April if she should take a summer class I am very glad the Lord had us decide against it. It has been an absolute blessing to hang with my wife as much as I have the last month or so. That is another reason I am updating this blog as much as I can ..... I know I have another difficult year ahead of me starting at the end of August when she goes back. I am really gonna miss her and the time that we spent together. It's pretty weird as right now work is a total mess and I am so stressed out but when I get home and see her I just feel better. Its hard to explain. I can be so miserable and disheartened all day then come home and see the wife and just feel better.
Anyway that is kinda the wrap up on the overall. For a more detailed look at what is going on here is the run down. First off the weekend........ We had this big marketing campaign with newspapers TV the whole 9. This was for our big grand opening. And let me tell you for two solid days I was on my feet in sell mode. I love being in sell mode. The problem was with so many people around I really could not focus one long enough to really accomplish my goal. Needless to say I thought for the second time last week I had sold the spec house....... But alas on Sunday I got the email that it was "all happening so fast" and that they would not be buying. I was crushed to say the least.. I mean I really took it harder than I should have but it was what it was and I was really upset. So with the whole grand opening nothing really came of it but people showed up ate our sandwiches and drank our sodas then took our doorprize wine and left. I have never in my life worked so hard for so little.

To cap off our week of updates we hit the Orioles game last night...... Ohhh what a night... So we decided that we would take the Metro down..... This was pretty much so that we could not have to worry so much about driving long distances after uhhhhh drinking chocolate milk... by chocolate milk I mean beer. This seemed like a good idea. Well we did get some stories ..we get to the station and there is the train but only one ticket machine is working... not too too bad but the problem is there are 2 couples in front of us again... you might think not so bad.... well apparently they could not figure out how to use the machine. First they put in a 20 and their change came back in these new one dollar coins... yeah no one knew what the hell they were but these people felt obligated to block the machine while they tried to figure it out.. they were looking at these things like friggin Korean money came out of the machine babbling on about tokens... I admit prior to this evening I had no idea that ole Sacajawea was gone but one look at the coin with George Washington and a $1 on it and I pretty much was able to figure out it was not a train token (which don't exist) The machine gives you a card.. yet these friggin yahoos kept trying to tell us they were tokens then counted them out and separated them from the quarters.... It was literally like Sesame street for senile old people. Meanwhile I am watching the train pull away..Bye Bye train... inside I am ready to punch these idiots in the face like WTF if you can't figure it out move..... Just as the rage is building the one guy looks at me and says we should move this guy here (he means me) is being so patient. Yeah thanks buddy .....
So we finally get our tickets and notice a guy across the track talking away on his bluetooth... he is talking and laughing then getting all serious...... the wife even said... "people look so funny talking on their bluetooths." The problem was that then he turned around to walk the other way and well there was no bluetooth...The only thing this guy was talking too were the voices in his head...... Scary
But not as scary as the three guys who then got on the train..... on sat behind us one in front of us and one beside us... so we were pretty much boxed in. Redlights going off like hey awesome I missed the first train so I could get mugged on this one... SCORE!!! I was beginning to think we might be ok because they were all playing with this one kids phone when *ClicK* and a dude pulls out a knife.... that no lie looked like this
Needless to say I nearly pooped myself.. that was really the first time in my life I thought I might die... I was just hoping that while I was bleeding out that the wife would get away.. In the end all my fears were for naught as apparently you can use a huge knife to fix a cell phone... He either stabbed it or just intimidated it but either way he put the knife away stopped messing with the phone and got of the train. Let's just say we caught a ride home with my parents who also happened to be at the game.. No more public transportation for us.
The game was great it was the shortest of the season so your mom liked that. We sat with my parents and watched Cabrera pitch a 105 pitch complete game and lead the O's to a 5-2 win.. That was pretty much the week kiddo. Tomorrow is the family BBQ for the 4th of July. I already smell drama in the day ... hmmmmmmm could it be coming from the Haslups. I dunno tune in next time.....
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