Well kiddo there you are. I am sorry that I have not been writing a lot the last year. I just got a bit lazy with updating the blog.
Needless to say the last year or so has been a bit crazy. Most of it is just dealing with work and trying to find a way to bring you into our family.
But to be honest today was the greatest day of my life. It was amazing to see you and find out that your heart is healthy and everything is going great. I was so worried about your heart I couldn't even think about it. Me and your mother have been praying every night that you would be ok. Today we found out that our prayers have been answered. So far so good.
It was so cool to see you today. I wish I could describe how I feel right now. I can not wait to meet you and have you meet us. You are just amazing. But I have to be honest. I have no idea how to be a dad. I am more than a little nervous about it. But you and I will figure it out together. I have been doing my homework though you should be excited about that. Your mom will also be around to help. I have learned amazing things about you so that I will be ready to be a dad. This is a list of a few amazing things I have learned since I found out you were coming.
1. For the first few days of you life you will be pooping Marcanioum. This was shocking news to me. I don't know what marcanioum is but I can't wait to gag and throw up in my mouth as I wipe the sticky tar off of you. It's gonna be great. Promise :P
2. A crib costs hundreds of dollars and does not come with a matress. This for me was like finding out I just bought a car wtihout an engine.
3. Two words: Baby Bjorn This is a fantastic invention that will allow me to carry you around on on my stomach. I think it was designed on a concept based on a kangaroo. Like someone was walking around carrying their baby and thought hey.... If I had a pouch I could use hands for other things... like installing apps on my iphone.
4. The birth will involve poo.
Any way I promise I will update the blog more as we move through the pregnancy and get closer to getting you here. The biggest thing I can promise is that You will be loved more than you will ever know. I am so excited about getting you here I could burst. I know your mom is too. Ok you mother is getting a bit annoyed at the time I am taking to do this so I will add more soon.
Awe, Jer this post brought tears to my eyes. You will be the best Dad!
Awesome. I can feel your joy and excitement. And i love the idea of a car without an engine. Good one.
You are gonna be great!
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