Wow it been about two weeks since I posted a blog. Ok shame on me for not moving faster. What is going to basically have to happen here is I will touch on the big things that have happened in the last two weeks in a two part blog. The first thing that I want to talk about it Ocean City.
Last Wednesday my wife and I decided that we were going to go to Ocean City as opposed to Latrobe for Steelers Training camp. This was a good decision in many ways. First off I Love going to the beach. I usually only go one day a year but every time I am there I want to stay longer and am reminded how much I love going to the beach. So Wednesday we hopped in the car and away we went. The drive was a tad longer than I remember it but it was an awesome experience. We met up with Mike and Nicole and Edawg and Jax and Levi and Mikes mom. It was quite fun. I spent a lot of time in the water and sun. ( I got really sunburned even though I used SPF 30 sunblock) Also it was this weird haze hanging over everything. It was like really foggy as we were walking up the dune to the beach it was like a Stephen King novel. We either were going to see the beach on the other side of the Dune or the end of the world, who knows, the fog made it look really surreal.
My wife looked amazing in her new bikini. It was a good time that was shared by all. We dug Edawg a trench and just enjoyed the beach time. There was a pesky crab that I kept stepping on in the afternoon and one time that little bugger got the heck out of my foot. But other than the less than excited crab it was a good time. After the beach but before we went home we went to Hooters for wings. It was there talking to the wife that we decided that a week in Myrtle Beach next year was a vacation that we needed to take. Currently it is set up to be just us and we are going to stay a week in her more or less Uncle Bills condo. It is supposed to be our last big vacation before you come along. But since you will be "in the oven" if you will, we need to do something that is the exact opposite of our normal Vegas style trips. I think a trip to the beach for a week fits the bill. I am worried I will get a bit bored but I think I can handle it. I will bring a laptop and an xbox or something. I also think that as we get closer to the trip becoming a reality that an invite or two MAY go out to some more people. I really think that is a bridge we will cross then. In all honesty I think I am looking forward too it because I have not in my recent memory had a relaxing vacation. I am always on the go when I take time off either traveling to Steelers games or going to Vegas and not sleeping for days. The Idea of actually relaxing for a week is Very appealing.
Ok so Then last Friday I get the call that my Dad is in the hospital. This is quite the surprise in that I had no idea he was that sick. Turns out he got some bacteria in his blood and it was doing all kinds of nasty things to him. So we head into the hospital and I got to see how lucky we all are to have each other first hand. There was a a guy in the bed next to him having all kindza pooping on himself issues. But the point is he had no on there with him while my dad had people squeezed into his half of the room and his phone was ringing off the hook. In essence it was a testament to the family that my parents have put together, its getting to be a very close knit group. In the end they had him on some antibiotics and sent him home the next day. Now he has to do all kinds of stuff to figure out what caused this but at least he is out of imminent danger and he is out of the Rosy smell of his roommate pooping on himself all the time.
Ok so Now we are gonna basically skip a week and say that nothing important happened. We did dinner with Shannon at Outback (the best place to eat Ever). We saw Step brothers and went to Dave and Busters with "The group". That was alot of fun and the movie was funny as hell. Other than that we just kinda worked and went through the motions until Saturday. Then I went to see Neil Diamond with my wife, mother, and Sister. It was one heck of a night. It was a great show he played all the classics and I got to spend some time with my mom which rarely happens. It was nice to share that with her as growing up hearing her listening to him all the time has me doing the same. It was funny as I felt like the youngest person besides my wife and sister in the whole arena. It was alot of fun and a night I spent with my mom that I won't soon forget. It was cool to see her so happy and excited. Again it was fun.....
But not nearly as fun as the ride there. See I have been hearing for the last two days as I ask about various plans and upcoming events that these were all discussed in the car on the way to the Neil Diamond show and how can I not know. See the truth is when I heard the Term "Latches on" I had a mini black out which is scarier than it sounds as I was driving at the time. My sister was talking about breast feeding Jax and well I am just not comfortable talking about my sisters bewbage. So I completely tuned out of the conversation. I heard bits and pieces against my will involving all the places she has nursed and all. But fortunately then my brain kicked in with LA LA LA LA LA and I was safe again. While I was trying to block them out and focus 0n the radio that was volume 1 so that they could talk about milking apparently many important conversations also took place. I however, was not able to risk being exposed to talks of pumps and Latching so I just blocked it all out. I don't want anyone to think I am squeamish about boobs and breast feeding. That is not the case at all. In fact I love Bewbs they are two of my three favorite things. I am also all for breast feeding. Just not my sisters. Sorry I just don't have that West Virgina gene. In my mind my sister looks like C-3PO. There is no milking there is no giving birth or any of that stuff. Yucky...
Well this brings us up to yesterday the 6th of Aug. which gets its own blog tomorrow. I don't' wanna hit anyone with too much too soon. :)
Cold Saturday
1 day ago
latching on? ew. breast feeding freaks me out too. my cousin was breastfeeding in front of EVERYONE at my family party, apparently that's OK when you have a blanket over you, but i was so uncomfortable... like, lady, there is a baby attached to your nipple, and you're talking to your granapa. ew.
anyway, seth and i went to a Paula Anka concert a couple years ago and it was awesome! i loved seeing all the old ladies going crazy for him. panties may have been thrown.
that's it from me! just thought i'd send you some intarweb stalker love.
um... spell check next time:
*Paul Anka
I HEART Neil Diamond too! And I'm not ashamed to say it!!
ahh miss you guys!! hope all is well :) i finally updated this beast which i am sure you will just get a freakin kick out of!! haha loveyouguys<3
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